Grammostola pulchra, known as the Brazilian Black Tarantula, is prized for its long life, reputation as a docile tarantula, a reduced tendency to kick urticating hairs, and the deep black color of adult specimen.
!!WARNING!! Handling tarantulas is not advised. All tarantulas have a certain amount of venom. While most people are not affected, certain cases of envenomation have led to hospitalization. Also, New World species can flick uritcating hairs which can cause allergic reactions. All tarantulas should be considered potentially harmful. Please use caution and respect when dealing with any species.
SNITCH - Say NO to irresponsible Tarantula crossbreeding and hybridization
Click the image to join. Currently there are over 100 genera and over 900 different species of Tarantulas in the world. Only a fraction of those species can be found in the hobby today. Out of those few genera Scientists and Hobbyists are still not 100% sure what species under some of those genera are. Why muddy the waters further? Creating a hybrid Tarantula in captivity is a great concern to most hobbyists and Tarantula breeders/dealers today.
Welcome Home 15December2009
Midnight(Number4) arriving after 1 year of growth
Shadow(Number3) 29Dec09
Yum, yum!
Welcome Home 22Feb10
Number7 arriving after less than 1 year of growth.